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Repair kits and care for your dry suit

Is your dry suit cuff already torn and needs to be replaced? Here you can find the matching sets. However, if you don't want to let it get that far in the first place, you can extend the life of your cuffs and zippers with the right care in advance.

Is your dry suit cuff already torn and needs to be replaced? Here you can find the matching sets. However, if you don't want to let it get that far in the first place, you can extend the life of... read more »
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Repair kits and care for your dry suit

Is your dry suit cuff already torn and needs to be replaced? Here you can find the matching sets. However, if you don't want to let it get that far in the first place, you can extend the life of your cuffs and zippers with the right care in advance.

Can you fix your dry suit yourself?

It all depends on what kind of damage your dry suit shows. Whether, for example, the material of a cuff becomes tired or the suit has a hole are two fundamentally different prerequisites. For certain wearing parts of your dry suit there are self-repair options such as the prefabricated cuff replacement sets and a zipper that no longer runs you can also get back to running on your own. You can also improve the tightness and the material wear by regular impregnation. If your suit has a hole or if the coating has loosened inside, you only have to go to the manufacturer to seal and repair the suit.

What repair kits are available?

The standard rubber cuffs can't be repaired once they're torn - just replace them. There are sets with neck, arm or foot cuffs and the matching adhesive. For your broken neoprene cuff on the other hand there is a neoprene adhesive, but you can also use it to attach a new neoprene cuff to the suit.

Prevention of damage

You can hardly prevent a cuff from becoming brittle and possibly tearing after years of use due to the constant UV influences and regular contact with salt water. However, you can significantly delay the damage by regularly keeping your suit fit for your suit with cuff powder or a grease pen for the zipper. If you are active in salt water, it is advisable to rinse the suit after your activity.

The dry suit repair set for all cases

The equipment for sports such as sailing, kiting, surfing or kayaking and sup riding is not necessarily among the cheapest and so it is always annoying when the expensive dry suit breaks down. Especially annoying is the fact that even a small hole makes the dry suit practically unusable. The cold water soaks the clothes underneath and you freeze quickly. With the repair accessories for dry suits, small cracks or holes can be repaired quickly and permanently.

The simple use of the repair set makes the dry suits immediately fully usable again and so a dry suit repair set should not be missing when sailing and kayaking. With the right adhesive, the crack is quickly sealed again and moisture and cold no longer have a chance. Take care of your dry suit and repair it with our high-quality products. Neck shadows, arm cuffs or foot shadows can also be quickly and easily straightened. In case of larger damages you are welcome to contact us, we are happy to advise you which company can be contacted for a professional repair.